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Getting started with the Vistapoint Catia Integration

The Vistapoint Catia integration allows you to read metadata, references, and perform actions directly from Catia.

Catia Manager

Catia Manager is a Catia file analyzer that allows you to read metadata and references of Catia files. The Catia Manager is installed automatically with the Vistapoint desktop app to C:\Program Files\Open Domain\Vistapoint\FileManagers\CatiaManager. If Catia is installed, the Catia Manager will analyze files automatically when you upload files into the Vistapoint desktop app.

Catia Add-in

The Catia add-in can be downloaded from the Vistapoint web app under Apps > Integrations. Contact your administrator if the add-in is not available for download. There are currently several functions that can be performed directly from Catia as described below.


You can import open files directly into Vistapoint.

  1. Create or open a Catia file.
  2. Save the file to a downloaded Vistapoint workspace in C:\VistapointLocal\Workspace. If the file is not saved to your VistapointLocal folder, then a dialog will open upon import asking where you would like to save your file.
  3. Click Import.
  4. If you did not save the file to a location in your VistapointLocal folder, you will be prompted to select a location in the Vistapoint desktop app.

    1. Navigate to a folder in Vistapoint.
    2. Click on the folder to update the Folder Name.
    3. Click Ok to confirm the selection.


You can check-in a file you have checked out directly from Catia.

  1. Check-out a file.
  2. Click Check-in.
  3. If you have the setting Ask for a version comment set, the version dialog will prompt for a version comment. Add a comment. Click Ok.
  4. Navigate to Vistapoint and click Refresh to see the changes.


The check out function allows you to check out a file you have open as read-only.

  1. Open a file from your downloaded files in the C:\VistapointLocal\ area.
  2. Click Check-out. The file will close and re-open to refresh the loaded file read-only lock. You can now make your edits.
    If the read-only lock does not unlock your loaded file, close the file and re-open the file.

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