Quick Start

Vistapoint Quick Start Guide

Welcome to Vistapoint! Once your system administrator has added you as a user to their instance, follow these steps to get started quickly in Vistapoint.


  1. Open the email from Vistapoint sent to you with your login link. Check your spam or junk folders if you have trouble finding the email.
  2. Click the link in the email to open the web app.
  3. Login in with your username and password.
  4. Change your password by navigating to the user icon in the top right corner > user settings > Change Password.
  5. On the Workspaces page, click Create to create a workspace (if there is not one created already).

Install the desktop app

  1. On the top menu bar, download the desktop app under Apps > Vistapoint Desktop.
  2. Copy the connection information shown in the dialog box.

3. Once the installer downloads. Double click the installer .msi file to install the Vistapoint desktop app.

4. Open the Vistapoint desktop app.

5. Click Options.

6. In the options dialog box:

a. Check the box for Active.

b. Enter a name (Ex. Your company name).

c. Paste the connection information.

(No need to enter your username here)

7. Click Ok.

8. Enter your username and password to login.

Set up your local work area

1. On the desktop app, click on the MyWork tab.

2. Select a Workspace you wish to work on. Click Get Latest. This will download the folders and files in the workspace to your C:\VistapointLocal\ folder.

3. Copy files you wish to import to your local workspace area C:\VistapointLocal\Workspace Name\Folder. These changes will appear in the changes area of the MyWork tab. Be sure to contain any references within the VistapointLocal folder so that references are connected in Vistapoint.

4. Select the changes in your MyWork area and click Check in to upload the files to Vistapoint.

5. Go to the Vistapoint web app and click refresh to view the imported files in Vistapoint.

Configure the web app

  1. Click the icon on the right of the web app to show the laptop icon. This switches between calling functions through the web app or directly to the desktop app.


2. Select a file and click Open.

3. Select the check box to always allow calls from Vistapoint and click Ok.

4. Login.

5. The file will then open directly from your computer.

Edit a file

  1. To make a change to a file, click on Edit > Check-out + Open.
  2.  This will open your file. Once you make a change to a file and save, it will show in your MyWork tab on the desktop app. To discard the check out and unlock it in Vistapoint, click on Edit > Discard.
  3. When you are done with your changes, navigate to the MyWork tab. Select the changes  to check in.
  4. Add a comment about what you changed.
  5. Click Check-in.